Harmless Hookah PSA

In collaboration with three other graduate students we created a social marketing campaign entitled "Harmless Hookah" designed to increase college students' knowledge about hookah smoking, its effects, influence norms and attitudes related to hookah smoking, and ultimately decrease hookah use.  Our campaign included two public service announcements (PSAs) and a website.  The PSAs were designed to be uploaded as stand-alone videos on YouTube, inserted as timeline ads in Facebook, and embedded into the Harmless Hookah website.  

The theoretical underpinnings of our campaign and PSAs were based on the Elaboration Likelihood Model and sought to engage college-age students in scenarios which encouraged them to think about how smoking hookah might be contradictory to their overall health goals, and encourage them to centrally process our messages with supplemental information resources.

The goals for "Harmless Hookah?" were to:

1. Educate college students about the chemicals contained in hookah and its possible health effects.
2. Influence the attitudes of college students toward hookah smoking using evidence-based facts and credible information.
3. Encourage current hookah smokers to abstain or limit their hookah smoking.

The design of this social media campaign was a part of a semester-long course in health communication.  Our overall budget for this project was $25.


December 2014


University of Michigan School of Public Health, communication course


Collaborator: Interviewed individuals for formative research, facilitated focus groups, story-boarded PSAs, filmed and edited one PSA